The world's first truly portable personal calculator【 Casio Mini 】

This article was translated using ChatGPT. The original content in 世界初的個人電子計算機【 Casio Mini 】

Casio launched the world's first truly portable personal calculator, the Casio Mini, on August 1, 1972, priced at 12,800 JPY. Prior to this, most portable calculators were either bulky or very expensive. However, Casio completely revolutionized people's perception of calculators by offering a device that was only one-third of the price of its competitors ( at that time, Sharp's EL-801 was priced at a whopping 39,000 JPY ), leading to an unprecedented success for Casio.

▲The upcoming history-making CASIO-MINI.

The popularity of Casio Mini caused a significant decline in Sharp's market share, even though Sharp's calculators might have had superior features and performance. The president of Sharp at that time was so furious and asked, "Sharp has 1000 engineers, while Casio only has 100. Why are we losing to Casio?" Unfortunately, no one could answer that question. Not only Sharp, but many engineers at that time also believed that 6-digit calculators could not become mainstream and that 8 or 10-digit calculators would be needed to meet the public's demands. In fact, Sharp had previously proposed a 6-digit calculator, but it was rejected by the higher-ups who believed that a 6-digit calculator wouldn't sell well. This event became an important point of reflection for Sharp's subsequent product development.

▲Close-up of the external display screen.

▲The interior consists of 6 individual independent VFD ( Vacuum Fluorescent Display ) tubes.

The idea for Casio Mini originated from the popular bowling alleys among young people at that time. As there were no machines to calculate scores back then, everyone had to calculate manually. Initially, the idea was to create a convenient device for calculating scores. While the mainstream calculators were 8-digit devices, Casio Mini opted for a 6-digit display ( using an independent vacuum fluorescent display ) and redesigned the integrated circuits used in Casio calculators, significantly reducing the cost. Since the calculator was meant for personal use, it was uncommon for people to calculate numbers beyond a million, and typically, it was used for handling money, so the decimal point button was also omitted. Through the scroll display using arrow keys, Casio Mini could exceed the 6-digit limit and show 12 digits. In cases of division with decimal points, the arrow keys could scroll and display the remaining digits. Apart from its functionality, the sleek design and luxurious appearance of Casio Mini have remained a timeless masterpiece even more than 50 years later. In October 2008, it was recognized by the National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan, as one of the significant historical records of technology ( future technological heritage ).

▲Casio Mini have remained a timeless masterpiece even more than 50 years later.

▲Input operation method, image source: Japanese WIKI.

The 1970s was a period of rapid development in the calculator industry, making it unpredictable when competitors would release significantly discounted new products. The development plan for Casio Mini, including its final price, was kept under strict secrecy until its release. Even the price field on the final brochure was left blank and only stamped with the price after the announcement. The palm-sized calculator for just 12,800 JPY! The media widely promoted this as a mind-blowing price! Casio's low-price strategy in this wave became known in the industry as the "Casio Mini Shock," and within just ten months of its release, it achieved one million units in shipments. Over the next three years, the Casio Mini series reached an astonishing cumulative sales volume of 6 million units. With the launch of Casio Mini, the calculator market's prices rapidly dropped, turning high-end calculators into everyday stationery items that everyone could afford.


Actually, The article was supposed to be published a month ago, but during the process of taking pictures and examining it, the calculator malfunctioned. All digits except 1, 3, 6, and 8 were unable to display properly. It was working fine when I received it, so I can only blame my bad luck. However, when the seller learned about the issue, they were willing to send me a replacement set free of charge. That's why I feel the need to express my gratitude to this seller.

▲When I during the process of taking pictures and examining it, the calculator malfunctioned.

▲The seller offers free shipping of replacement parts and provides an additional complimentary calculator.

Thank you, Scott and Kat from eBay's VINTAGE CALCULATORS; I am truly grateful.



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